History and Mission

The Dan Jackson Post 3978 is named in memory of the first combat death from Lafayette County during World War II.  

Veterans - Citizens - Families
The VFW was originally founded in 1899 as the American Veterans of Foreign Service and continues to be a voice for returning or currently deployed servicemembers and their families. The 2.4 million members of the VFW and its Auxiliaries are located in 8,500 VFW posts around the world. We welcome anyone who meets VFW eligibility requirements, regardless of age, race, religion, or gender.

The Veterans of Foreign Wars has a rich tradition in enhancing the lives of millions through its community service programs and special projects. From providing free phone cards to our nation's active-duty military personnel to raising money for the World War II memorial, the VFW is there,

"honoring the dead by helping the living"

Our Mission
The VFW is dedicated to supporting those who sacrifice so much for this country—veterans, service members in the US Armed Forces, and their families.

For more information on the Veterans of Foreign Wars

please use our national website link at vfw.org.


                      Navy - Marines - Coast Guard - Air Force - Army



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