
• Must be a US citizen
• Must be currently in the US military or have an honorable discharge

• Must have served overseas during a conflict for which you received an expeditionary medal, a campaign medal or ribbon, or imminent danger/hostile fire pay


• Received the SSBN Deterrent Patrol Insignia, the Combat Infantryman Badge (CIB), the Combat Medic Badge (CMB), the Combat Action Ribbon (CAR), the Combat Action Badge (CAB), the Air Force Combat Action Medal (AFCAM), or Air Force Expeditionary Service Ribbon (with Gold Border)


• Served 30 consecutive days duty in Korea or 60 days of non-consecutive duty in Korea


• Be currently deployed in an area that qualifies for VFW membership.

Being a VFW Member: As a member, you will receive VFW magazine, email updates, and have access to the members-only area of our national website. You may also receive regular updates from the state or local area where you lived when you joined the VFW. VFW Members in good standing receive Automatic Personal Accident insurance protection at No Cost To You!



To join our organization use this link:




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